Friday, March 13, 2015

The Federal Reserve is a weapon of mass economic destruction. Those in the Fed are economic enemy combatants against the American people and long ago should have been thrown into Guantanamo Bay awaiting to be tried on treason and financial market manipulation. To think our failed leaders in Congress allowed them to push their extremely hurtful ANTI-STIMULUS for 5 years and no action taken against them after the first or second year but allowed them to crush us to any extent. Congress does not have direct oversight but can question and hopefully get straight answers yet if you look up stories/videos on responses by the Fed, they fall short of providing sufficient information. Congress does have the power to eliminate the Federal Reserve but they evidently enjoy the harm that they do to us.

The Federal Reserve committed treason against the American people ever since its inception in 1913. Why Congress allowed it to continue any significant time after that (at or before the 20 year charter) or even beyond the 100 year timeframe at 2013 being it already showed its ugly face in hurting all non-wealthy due to inflation, hurting greatly the financially responsible people whom rely on bank interest and otherwise invest in financial markets on the correct side of fair value but the Fed works to inflate markets away from fair value and a person either has to throw out all reason to join in with the irresponsible gamblers and then hope there would be no reversion back to rational prices as inevitably happens to some degree as the artificial inflation has always led to crashes. As a country enjoying the status of having the world’s reserve currency along with some progressive policies after World War II including higher taxes on the wealthy, the United States enjoyed a few decades of near prosperity. But around 1980, the allowance of what would end up being tens of millions of illegal aliens entering the country to disrupt us, the façade of 401-K/IRA accounts going into the stock market giving the illusion the middle class would benefit though I demonstrate on that it is false in that some raw gains are partly offset by inflation but even more greatly offset by the pushing down in the relative wealth distribution whereby the wealthy disproportionately are the greatest benefactors to make them 10X richer in just a couple of decades, Congress giving in to the wealthy to make policies lowering tax rates on higher income as well as for capital gains, taxation increases from out of control government pay raises, we now at a third-world wealth divide. Homes, cars, food, college education are all terribly inflated and is putting a great strain on our country. We have no leadership when Congress is full of 535 members, no one really coming out with the solutions addressing the underlying problems. I had to come to the rescue to do what those $200K per year bozos were not doing and that is to come up with the solutions to our underlying problems and shown at In 2010 sent the site to over half in the United States Senate, plenty in the House of Representatives, numerous times to the President as well as to the Department of Justice and some others. What has happened since? Nothing. Therefore, expect this country to slide down further as life here will get increasingly more difficult and the wealthy will be gloating with the inane policies allowing them to get richer and richer off of everyone else. You could stand with me but as I am not popular and the masses will always be slow to react until situations get so bad that there will be no way to correct the path this country is on, short of a revolution, massive alien visit from space to push us in the right direction, the return of Jesus, or some other amazing event, perhaps getting hit with an asteroid.

Funny thing, many are misled to think rising home prices are good. Well, perhaps if you want to have a ruinous economic policy as it widens the wealth divide, both injurious to society and the economy. Sure, a few percent of people, predominantly the most wealthy get the biggest benefit and the rest suffer. Generally speaking, anytime a policy helps a minority of the people, the majority loses. Even consider the tax deduction of mortgage interest I covered in my book “Thoughtful Living”. To fully take advantage of the deduction you’d have to have a very large income and moreover itemize taxes and even this would be thwarted if acted responsibly and saved up to buy a home predominantly or all cash in which case the possible tax deduction would be so little to nonexistent. Such policies are set up to align with how the wealthy engage in life, not how the rest conduct themselves in life. So how does an ANTI-STIMULUS get named a "stimulus". Everything is a joke now but it's not really funny as lives are being destroyed by the treasonous monetary policies of those in the Federal Reserve Bank. If you want to buy a home but the prices are inflated, it hurts, not helps. If you are renting and rents go up, it hurts, not helps. But of course the smaller number of wealthy on the other side of the equation greatly benefit yet again. The farce of lowered mortgage interest is not enough as government taxes are dependent to a high degree on the sale price, and so inflated home prices means inflated taxes going to overpaid government employees who make far more than the average civilian. We could save $1 trillion per year by getting government salaries back down to reality (see Oh but don't expect that any time soon. If only we had a real leader as president who cared enough for the American people to force this to happen. We'd be going in the right direction if this were to occur. It'd be an easy lock-in to be elected if one campaigned on this stance.

The Federal Reserve indeed destroyed my life and it feels no shame. No matter how intelligent one is, there is a good possibility that those in key positions of companies feel threatened by one who shows how very capable they are. I am one who suffered such a malady but I adjusted by not living the typical spoiled American lifestyle. To be able to have basic antenna television, to buy a $5 pizza or $3 burrito once a month or so, to have an older used vehicle is fine with me. I wash clothes by hand, saved a good amount of the small amount of money I made and depended on staying HEALTHY to not intensively be in need of overly expensive health care and relied on a expectation of even just moderate bank interest to survive. But now I do not drive to save money as the Fed crushed me so much I am cutting back even further in my already low lifestyle – again how does a policy that hurts people get called a “stimulus”? Living at least 2 miles away from civilization how could I then even get a job if I can’t drive? The anti-stimulus keeps cavalcading!

In 2010 I furiously wrote to help this country and world. Not just my book which has a novel fair stock market system, a new inflation-adjusting monetary system, a modified proxy voting system to enable the many smaller shareholders greater power to get executive salaries down to reality, but many sites including bankruptUSA, proposedsolutions, fairwagedetermination, homepriceevaluator and still more, all of i am getting nothing for all my contributions and yet many in the federal reserve are getting $200K per year while pushing monetary policies to CRUSH AMERICA! Talk about an upside-down world!

The Federal Reserve causes those who are not wealthy to lose from inflation, the responsible non-wealthy to lose by taking away their much relied upon bank interest and greatly destroys all those who got trampled by these to then mindfully invest into the stock market knowing full well the economy worsened since 2009 and knowing valuations historically for an economy in the toilet to then short sell. But amazingly the outright unlawful manipulation the Federal Reserve engaged in caused the stock market to be more than 3 times higher in just 5 years’ time! The responsible people get destroyed those who are wealthy and financially ignorant, free money flows to them without risk provided they sell their soul to the central banks BEAST and go long the overpriced stock market. Buying at 25% overpriced, 50% overpriced, 100% overpriced, 200% overpriced, it just doesn't matter. All those positioned correctly far on the correct side of fair value are forced to lose. Now that's not a market. That's a rigged market going so far against reason, so far against valuations for an economy in a masked depression, but for the mindless and those who freely sold their souls to the BEAST, undeserved gains went into their direction at zero risk.

I, myself, am armed with knowledge of financial markets and economic data to have written over 1,600 pages of comments on financial news stories all over the internet, contributed more intensively as an analyst on the seeking alpha site providing what no other person does in showing how to interpret unemployment claims, showing how we actually have around a negative 10% real GDP growth upon proper accounting, showing how the stock market is 3X overpriced per historical measures when the economy is in the toilet (the actual article refers to 2X overpriced but that was back in 2012 and the market zoomed up since against all logic). Yeah, the Fed is mandated to perform two things: price stability which it does not do as it loves inflation as opposed to actual price stability, to the point of destroying our society and economy with a third world wealth divide by increasing the wealth of the richest via stocks and home prices and shutting out practically everyone else from affording a home.

I have been patiently waiting for a rightful compensation from the Federal Reserve due to its obvious unlawful stock market manipulation away from fair value for this masked depression.

See some of the evidence at:

Note the extreme valuations and improper calculation of the real GDP growth by government which I show what it should be:

I and many others took the BLS raw data to derive at an unemployment rate of about 25%.

In the past 6 years, the Federal Reserve caused the biggest wealth transference in all of history, crushing those who need money to survive and allowing the wealthiest to double or triple their wealth in just a few short years. Since 2008 the Fed caused the loss of $3 trillion of bank interest, a loss of $6 trillion due to inflation, and the wealthy get their gains from an unlawfully manipulated up stock market and inflated real estate prices.

I am forced to stay home, deeply depressed, can't date, hardly ever bathe, can't go to a restaurant, do not even drive my car now to save money due to your America-hating, third world wealth divide promoting, anti-stimulus. How about actually helping this country? An increasingly larger number of people know full well that the Federal Reserve Bank is neither federal, not having the reserves supporting the money in circulation, and is not properly a bank. It could actually do something now to give some credence to its false name by starting to help this country instead of continually hurting it, albeit working to benefit the top few percent of the population at the detriment of everyone else:

1) MAKE A FUND TO COMPENSATE ALL SHORT SELLERS of the unlawfully manipulated up stock market, to 150% of the losses as invariably much malaise had to have been suffered from the extreme nature of the manipulation, and
2) Compensate all those whose net worth is under $500M, 50% of the bank interest they would have gotten had interest rates were at the low rates of 2008.
3) After the compensation is done as above, willfully shut done the Fed. DESIST and allow this country a chance to prosper!

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